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Education is the key to financial independence. However, in Malawi, girls face significant challenges in continuing their education after primary school. To attend secondary school, they often have to travel to the nearest town and stay there during the week—usually in poor living conditions and without proper supervision. As a result, many become pregnant at a very young age and are then no longer allowed to continue their education. Additionally, many families simply cannot afford the cost of external accommodation for their children.

To break this cycle, we decided to build and operate a secondary school for girls, providing a safe and supportive learning environment. Our school also offers pregnant women and young mothers the opportunity to continue their education. The school was built within three years and has already begun operations. We collaborated with various foundations and local institutions to bring this project to life.

The official inauguration took place on January 14, 2022, in the presence of the GF Goeldner Foundation board (see BLOG entry). Currently, we are working on further expanding the school, including teacher housing and accommodations for students from more distant areas.

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