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Visit to the Diocese of Dedza - Bishop Chifukwa - 5.8.2023

This time, we spoke again with those responsible for the schools whose construction and renovation we are supporting: the representatives of the Diocese of Dedza. As a reminder, the Catholic Church is one of the few institutions in Malawi that supports the state in meeting its social responsibilities. Malawi as a state is unable to fully meet its educational mandate due to low state revenues and, unfortunately, the still high level of corruption. In this respect, the Church helps with the construction and operation of the schools, with the teachers being selected and paid by the state. The renovation and new construction of the Mganja Primary School, planned jointly by the GF Goeldner Foundation and other partners, is also being led by the diocese, on whose land the old, dilapidated school stands.

In Dedza we met the young and dynamic Bishop Peter Chifukwa and members of the Board of Governors of the Tiyende Pamodzi Girls Secondary School.

Dedza Pottery 5.8.2023 - Discussions with Bishop Chifukwa and members of the school council of Tiyende Pamodzi Girls Secondary School Mganja

Bishop Peter Chifukwa and Father Isaac Mwazambumba - Dedza Pottery - 5.8.2023

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